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10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech đź”®
There is a generational shift in values and trade-offs: people would rather work together with greater latency than work faster alone. • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
Every function of the enterprise will become a multi-player and fully immersive experience. • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
The next generation will have a nomadic decade of life and work, and will love it. • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
Recommendations kills Favorites: AI-driven recommendations transcend our historical go-to’s. Rather than compulsively saving playlists that i discover and love on Spotify, I’ve surrendered myself to the algorithms. It was really the radio feature plus the new “enhance” feature that did it. I now trust that any song I like leads to a playlist I will... See more • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
The reverse franchise model and “eduployment” will fuel growth and resilience of small businesses. • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
The Era Of Multiple Identities: We Discover, Embrace, & Express Our Multiple Selves -> From networks like Discord, where users are represented by whatever name and avatar they choose, and ItsMe, where people connect in real-time using a creative avatar of their choosing, we’re seeing huge growth in willingness to engage, transact with, and befriend... See more • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
We will all start to opt-in for ads [read: personalized experiences]: If you subscribe to my view that technology at its best takes us back to the way things once were — but with less friction and at a far greater scale, then perhaps you’re agree: We want local restaurants to know our names and preferences. We want experiences catered to our tastes... See more • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
The next generation of top talent will have “Polygamous Careers,” transforming the corporate world as we know it. • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
Polywork is a modern take on LinkedIn that builds out your profile at the more granular project and achievement level as opposed to the job level. So, “Pushed Code,” “Updated an iOS app,” or “Spoke at a conference” is the new “Got a new Job.” In a polygamous career, these milestones matter more. Another company I am excited about is Braintrust, a d... See more • 10 Forecasts for the Near Future of Tech 🔮
The rise of immersive experiences will mainstream 3D creation.