Amos Tversky, the late collaborator of Nobel-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, once said “the secret to doing good research is always to be a little underemployed. You waste years by not being able to waste hours.”
You go deep enough or far out enough in consciousness and you will bump into the sacred. It’s not something we generate; it’s something out there waiting to be discovered. And this reliably happens to nonbelievers as well as believers.” Second, that, whether occasioned by drugs or other means, these experiences of mystical consciousness are in all ... See more
Even small changes to a consumer's fitness and activity regimen can have a dramatic impact on health care costs, healthspan, and risk of disease and illness. Consumers have proven a willingness to spend to the tune of $100B+ per year in fitness, and multiples of that pursuing active lifestyles.
The big question, the thing I haven’t seen any clear thinking on, is what NounsDAOs strategy is for converting cash into demand for Nouns. Honestly I’m skeptical. But it’s worth taking a moment to remember they currently have $20M in their bank account after being in business less than two months.