In the short term, most of our users consider us as a replacement for whatever tool they use to capture and retrieve information (often the native notes app on their computer). Despite the numerous options that exist for this purpose today, none exist that promise the combination of blazingly fast capture, an effortless way to form connections that... See more
Middlers do not want to be told they’re old and nearing the end of their life. Rather, they want to celebrate this new life stage and the freedom that comes with the gift of time.
Enter Substack. Substack, by eschewing the marketing communications (MarCom) market entirely, and focusing on writers people actually wanted to read, reversed the perceptions of the technology. Instead of trying to scam people into giving you “permission” to send them emails, Substack said, why not charge them to subscribe.
There’s a fun conspiracy theory that popped up recently called the Dead Internet Theory. The claim is basically that most of the internet is bots. There aren’t real people here anymore.
Carbon offsets do not do what they promise, which is offset. But even if they did, you cannot use lifestyle or credits as an offset when you are actively building a system that does harm. Even if you, personally, come out more or less even on the books- to do so is to loan your power to a worldview that has doubled down on worth being tied to compl... See more
While it remains to be seen what the telemedicine regulatory landscape will look like post-pandemic, telemedicine visits as a fraction of total doctor visits spiked in Q2 2020, and remain at an elevated level from the start of the year.