- Pipe is that better way. Even better than debt.
from Pipe: Business-Funding Fit by Packy McCormick
- New DAOs can be spun up in minutes. If those communities instead tried to form traditional companies, it would take weeks and require lots of paperwork. Many of the prospective members would likely need to be excluded due to variations in local laws and other reasons. There would be thorny challenges around governance and enforcing rules.
from "Let's Run The Experiment": A conversation with Chris Dixon about DAOs and the future of organizations online by Chris Dixon
- No matter what Google’s search algorithm is doing to match the phrase “startup ideas”, we cannot make much sense of the fact that a page titled “How To Get Startup Ideas” on one of the most popular startup blogs, is considered by Google to be page 4 garbage.
from MarketRank: The Anti-SEO Ranking Algorithm by Dmitri Brereton (dkb)
- While the most recent chapter of consumer drove us from prioritizing possessions (purchasing physical goods) to emphasizing experiences (spending on events and travel), I believe that the next leg will lead us from emphasizing experiences to treasuring transformation (buying into a better version of ourselves).
from Finding Wealth in Health by Meera Clark
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have no hierarchical system for resource distribution; the focus is on the decision making of the collective
from Hyper-Productivity, Learning 10+ Languages, DAOs, and More | Noah Feldman on The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss
- the most important job of the office is “soft work”—the sort of banter that allows for long-term trust and innovation.
from The Biggest Problem With Remote Work by The Atlantic
- But rather than dying, these products thrived. Their early adopters overcame the barriers to adoption and adored the end result. They shared their new workflows with the world and wanted to learn how others used the product. Leading to emergent communities of fans who congregate online and in-person to compare notes.
from When Complexity Breeds Community by Jackie Vullinghs
- By adding new verticals instead of making the Founders Fellowship really, really big, On Deck has built a group of small, intimate communities that roll up into one large, On Deck community.
from What's On Deck for On Deck? by Packy McCormick
- Making money is nothing more than a neutral exchange of value. Making money is proof you're adding value to people's lives. Aiming to get rich is aiming to be useful to the world.
from How to Live | Derek Sivers by Derek Sivers