So, to me, the big potential of Twitter is that it becomes a truly decentralized and yet connected intellectual marketplace where you can find and vet the very, very best minds in the world.
Jamie Catherwood • Shopify, SPACs and Status: My Interview with Jim O'Shaughnessy (Part One)
The ability to build your own audience on your own terms is killing gatekeepers everywhere
Jim O'Shaughnessy • Smart Threads and Dumb Memes | Trung Phan on Infinite Loops with Jim O’Shaughnessy • Podcast Notes
Social media showed that everyone has the potential to reach a massive audience at low cost and high gain—and that potential gave many people the impression that they deserve such an audience.
Ian Bogost • The Age of Social Media Is Ending
The best analysis, the best work, the most thoughtful commentary and understanding and deep dives are free. This is an abundance problem, not a scarcity problem. This is a problem of curation and opinion and understanding how to navigate this deluge of people saying what's on their mind. It becomes very reputation-based, first of all. And Twitter i... See more
Jamie Catherwood • Shopify, SPACs and Status: My Interview with Jim O'Shaughnessy (Part One)
“Twitter makes money from your attention, so they need to compel your attention. Sometimes that leads to good things, like connecting you to people and ideas that matter. But it also means that the addiction, abuse, and outrage that thrive on Twitter and other social platforms may be impossible to eradicate. So what’s left to do? You can change the... See more
Nathan Baschez • Substack’s Ideology
But if Twitter can understand its place in the media ecosystem—as a wayfinder of sorts for a sea of Internet content—and if it can pivot to a business model that better serves its most valuable users, it can better align cultural value and financial value. It can begin to capitalize on its potential.
Rex Woodbury • How Twitter and the Internet Broke the News
There are few things with greater asymmetric returns than creating on the internetThe upside potential is so much greater than the downside risk