PDFs -
The longest continuous walking path in the world goes from Cape Town to Magadan Russia. It would take ~200 days if you walked nonstop, or you could do it leisurely over 2 years
having kids and still being cool
i doubt that even highly advanced AI can solve complex human problems, as these require constant meaning-making in infinitely varied situations.
thinking: there is a bias in decision-making which renders one big thing more important than lots of small things.
"We teachers - perhaps all human beings - are in the grip of an astonishing delusion. We think that we can take a picture, a structure, a working model of something, constructed in our minds out of long experience and familiarity, and by turning that model into a string of words, transplant it whole into the mind of someone else. Perhaps once in a
... See moreThe Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan
“I kept my idea a secret from anyone who could not directly help to move it forward. That was my gut instinct at the time, but it’s now one of the best pieces of advice I have to give. Ideas are the most vulnerable at the moment you have them; that’s also the time people are most inclined to run around seeking validation from everyone they know. Di
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