This superior customer experience is why vertically integrated models will win over the long-term. Vertical integration generally has higher fixed costs and lower per unit costs at scale. In JOKR’s case, these cost savings can fall to the bottom line, be reinvested, passed to consumers in the form of lower prices and fees, or a combination of the a... See more
In contrast to Google and Apple, Facebook doesn’t own an operating system and, thus, doesn’t enjoy the defensibility of a pre-installed default. But because Facebook is the de-facto online identity layer for so many people, it is almost guaranteed to secure some of that limited pixel real estate on the user’s home screen.
Membership is almost always an effort to diversify revenue, and there are very few organizations that are wholly or almost wholly supported by membership revenue.
This is the power of valuable NFTs: they are high in social capital and utility, and moving higher in entertainment. They hit the social network trifecta.
Social media basically brought us to something like an oral culture: - We're not illiterate in the sense that we can't read, our writing approximates our speaking - Our writing isn't as complex because it doesn't function like text used to - We both archive everything and trust…
social interaction in any medium is always a balance between self-expression and the accommodation of others, which means that in the analog world it is a constant struggle to strike a balance between being myself and annoying everyone around me at some point or another. The magic of the Internet, though, is that you can be whatever you want to be
The thing that makes innovation work is that the people who could run with something are exposed to the thing that they could run with, and that is what's missing I think from a lot of these organizations is that we have these filters, which are extremely narrow, which decide what comes through, and they end up pruning out things.