Opinion | Jeff Bezos: The Hard Truth: Americans Don’t Trust the News Media - The Washington Post
by Jeff Bezos
"The best leaders are exothermic. Every atom jiggles faster around them. There is no chance for stasis.”
-Tobi Lutke"I see our customers as partners in a big project, not as crops to be harvested. You can’t have a sustainable long-term relationship when you treat your customers as crops.”
-Tobi Lutke
Bo Burnham (the musician comedian) on the business of social media:
"[Social media firms are] coming for every second of your life...And it's not because anyone is bad, it's not because anybody in this company has evil plans or is trying to do this, they're not even doing it consciously. Their entire model is growth. They’re coming for every second
... See more“I think that may be the highest purpose of any work of art, to inspire someone else to save themselves through art. Creating creates creators.”
― Jeff Tweedy, Let's Go (So We Can Get Back)
PAUSE: Postpone Action Until Serenity Enters.