- i love sharing what i’ve learned through my own experience, but learning/reading/thinking is only the seed of change. if you resonate with my writing and want to apply what you’re learning, i want to nurture that seed into the living, breathing change it wants to become. when an idea resonates with you, it usually means you want to weave it more de... See more
- Screw the algorithm The tendency of trying to win on social platforms is to follow the algorithm. There’s a reason that “surprised face” is a staple of every YouTube video. Everyone is running the same optimizations. That doesn’t mean not adapting to the medium. Recipe videos need a quick hook, an element of intrigue and good visuals, but what’s... See more
People claim to want to do something that matters, yet they measure themselves against things that don’t, and track their progress not in years but in microseconds.”
-via Ryan Holiday, Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials)
15 highlights
- Why your project management app won't save you: "When we line up the Trellos, Asanas, Wrikes, Airtables, and endless clones of the same inherent project-management misses, their differences matter less than their end results—to paraphrase Anna Karenina's line about families, each project management app promises the same happiness, but each creat... See more
Competing with giants: An inside look at how The Browser Company builds product | Josh Miller (CEO)
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SAM H INKIE 3 6 0 1 S O U T H B R O A D S T R E E T
An exploration of the principles and strategies used by Sam Hinkie during his tenure as the general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team.
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