- Build the game you can win . The corollary to the above is that to succeed; you must build a game that you are singularly suited to play.
from 52 Tiny Venture Lessons by Mario Gabriele
- In 2003, Lego were just months from bankruptcy. Their sales were plummeting & they were $800 Million in debt. Until they made ONE decision that would transform Lego into a $13 Billion empire... Here's the full story:
"The best leaders are exothermic. Every atom jiggles faster around them. There is no chance for stasis.”
-Tobi Lutke"I see our customers as partners in a big project, not as crops to be harvested. You can’t have a sustainable long-term relationship when you treat your customers as crops.”
-Tobi Lutke
- Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are engines of distraction and cultural rot. They stand in front of the more difficult but more rewarding aspects of life: deep work, intimate connections with friends and loved ones, focused attention for hobbies with intrinsic rewards. By training users to crave constant novelty and the immediate approval of an... See more
from TikTok and Instagram are intellectual poison by Adam Singer
attention is sacred and dreaming of a better internet
"Irony is the song of a bird that has come to love its cage." - David Foster Wallace
- Many things in modernity are brain dead, but I can’t think of anything worse than the short form dystopias of TikTok and Instagram. They’re materially making people dumber, breeding addict behavior (particularly in the young) and ultimately ruining the lives of normies. It’s depressing to think about the countless kids who might have started garage... See more
from TikTok and Instagram are intellectual poison by Adam Singer
Bo Burnham (the musician comedian) on the business of social media:
"[Social media firms are] coming for every second of your life...And it's not because anyone is bad, it's not because anybody in this company has evil plans or is trying to do this, they're not even doing it consciously. Their entire model is growth. They’re coming for every second
... See more- Don’t think your way there — feel your way there.
from A breakthrough interface for generative AI by Colin