fantastic! comedy is the highest form of genius.
the phrase "Can you believe it?" stuck with me - Alex jokes about how it can be a reply to almost anything, illustrating how it can mask deeper issues of substance.
Why the Kids Aren't Alright
- As I will use the term, then, a sermon is any message designed to change or reinforce what a group of people value. It might take the form of explicit exhortation, full of shoulds and shouldn'ts , oughts and mustn'ts . Or it may be entirely implicit, like the story of a selfless act that saves the day, huzzah! Commencement speeches, TED talks, pres... See more
from Here Be Sermons | Melting Asphalt by Kevin Simler
Contrasting Aesthetics
How to Discover Your Own Taste
Taste is not merely superficial preferences but a fundamental human experience linked to moral judgment and self-discovery.
The internet lacks the patience for difficulty and comprehension, resulting in a poor version of culture compared to what existed before.
Many people desire alternatives to the current internet and are frustrated with the lack of human curation.
- Value capture occurs when an agent’s values are rich and subtle; they enter a social environment that presents simplified — typically quantified — versions of those val-ues; and those simplified articulations come to dominate their practical reasoning. Examples include becoming motivated by FitBit’s step counts, Twitter Likes and Re-tweets, citatio... See more
from PhilPapers
excellent work by C. Thi Nguyen
- And if you want to predict the future, go to a history lecture or set your WARC case study date filter to twenty years ago.
from Why the future of Planning is Opera, Only Fans, God, and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods by Matt Waksman
if you want to predict the future, go to a history lecture or set your case study date filter to twenty years ago.