Robin Good


The *curation guy* - indie author, speaker, advisor - focus on empowering subject-matter experts, artists, creators.
  • from Where have all the websites gone?

    Content Curation

  • from Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators by andjelicaaa.substack.com

    Content Curation

  • from Lists Are the New Search — Benedict Evans by ben-evans.com

    Future of Search and Context and Content Curation

  • from Lists Are the New Search — Benedict Evans by ben-evans.com

    Content Curation and Future of Search and Context

  • from The Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 by Todd Presner

    Content Curation

  • from Unframing the Future by Thomas Klaffke

    Content Curation

  • from Unframing the Future by Thomas Klaffke

    The Future

  • from Tweet by Nikita Bier

    Content Curation and Entrepreneurship

  • from Search is dead — long live curation

    Future of Search and Context and Content Curation