Tanuj and
Tanuj and
We’re very close
“What shocks me the most when i travel to the West is that even the new generations dread the future and display many of the symptoms associated with anxiety, including the inability to make plans and see them through.
As they can't identify the root cause of their distress, they indulge in fantasies about themselves and the world around them.
Listen up, guys: this is good [drawing a question mark on the board]... and this is bad [drawing an exclamation point].
Good is doubt, when you meet someone who doubts, relax, it means they're a good person, it means they're democratic, tolerant.
But when you meet these ones [pointing at the exclamation point], those who are certain, with unwaverin
a philosophy of experience that seeks to explain the nature of things through the way people experience them
Stuart Evans • 31 cards