Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from How to Differentiate Your Ideas: The XY Premise Pitch by Jay Acunzo

  • from 3-2-1: The power of imperfection, the secret to a good morning, and more

  • from Mistaking fluent speech for fluent thought by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  • from Andy Sparks—Putting People in Play by Andy Sparks

  • from On growing a cooperative like you’d grow a garden by Willa Köerner

    Organization Dynamics and

  • from Krista Tippett: 3 practices for wisdom and wholeness by Krista Tippett

  • loving the process

  • from 3-2-1: On creating the conditions for joy, how to go to hell, and the simple way to clarify your thinking

    loving the process

  • from LETTERS FROM LOVE — With Special Guest Pico Iyer!

    loving the process