Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • btw, life is coming from you not at you

    by mel

    reframes i love

  • Loving, whenever in Tokyo, the sensation of so many highly crafted experiences - from eight seat restaurants and tiny bars to owl cafes and artisanal cotton candy shops. Why aren’t there 1000x more of these experiences in all societies? And especially in the USA, what prompted… Show more

    by scott belsky

    building a new world

  • what if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation

    by erin glass

    building a new world

  • do you ever find it weird that as a culture we decided that “progress” just means advancement in technology and numbers on a spreadsheet, and that things like moral advancement, human joy, positive relationships, fulfillment, psychological development, and purpose don’t count?

    by River Kenna

  • instantly making people feel safe with your presence is one of the most underrated superpowers of all

    by Isabel️

  • Competence is how good you are when there is something to gain. Character is how good you are when there is nothing to gain. People will reward you for competence. But people will only love you for your character.

    by Mark Manson

    loving the process

  • Enhancing Learning by Integrating Theory and Practice

    Enhancing learning by integrating theory and practice in professional degree programs, with a focus on a Social Work course in Death and Grief.

    by Jan Wrenn

    1 highlight

  • The Dinner Party Labs 2023 FINAL.pdf

    experiments in community + co-living

  • “Specificially, pursuit of novelty creates “luck”, and curiosity is the emotional manifestation of novelty. If we’re more open to what attracts our attention, we’ll get a lot luckier.”

    by Paul Millerd

    Luck and curiosity

  • A sign of emotional intelligence is moving from “You made me feel” to “This is how I reacted.” Our emotions aren’t caused by other people’s actions. They’re shaped by our interpretations. Blaming others gives them power over our feelings. Taking responsibility empowers us.

    by Adam Grant

    emotional intelligence