Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

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    She is 40! 🥳💛🎂 She is also the best part of my day, everyday - even when we’re not together. She laughs with abandon. She makes me laugh the same - all the time. She sees beauty everywhere and in everyone. She thanks everyone - even when she’s suffering, she’s kind. She was grateful to the nurses while she was in true pain. She is deeply compassionate and can’t hurt anyone but she can be a rascal. She loves to tease. She has the best softest lips I’ve ever kissed. She loves beer and football more than I do (and I love beer and football). She is the strongest person I’ve ever known. She’s fiercely committed to the truth. She’s so fun to work with. She’s the most fun to do everything with. She is genuinely curious about people and the world. She makes everything in my life better - all my favorite songs and movies, vacations and sunsets and Chinese food. She strives to be better but she’s the best person I know. She will do anything for her friends. She is so generous she makes my parents slightly uncomfortable around the holidays (she also makes the best cookies). She is the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen. She is purely good. She will stand up to anyone who isn’t. She has true integrity and grit. She has, by far, my favorite smile. She is sitting next to me writing her own Instagram post that I know will be eloquent and funny and deeply honest - because she is all those things. She is going to write such a great inspiring book one day. She is my joy. She is my best friend. Happy Birthday HANSAAAY🎂🥳

    descriptions of people

  • cool concepts

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    Each of us carries the weight of histories, the brilliance of stars, and the mysteries of the universe within our very essence. Think of the vastness of the cosmos, its infinite wonders, and complexities. Now realize that same boundless energy is mirrored within you. Your passions, dreams, fears, and hopes are as expansive and deep as the galaxies that twinkle in the night sky. By embracing this cosmic connection, you're not only acknowledging your importance in the grand tapestry of existence but also unlocking the boundless potential that lies within. The universe isn't just around you; it's within you. Every choice, every emotion, every dream is a testament to that cosmic legacy. 2 days left to enroll in the Transformational Human Design Reader Certification. Dm Transformation to get on the early bird price and complimentary bonuses✨

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    Keith Haring // "Touching people’s lives in a positive way is as close as I can get to an idea of religion. Belief in one’s self is only a mirror of belief in other people and every person."

    things i believe to be true

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    if you know me, you know that #richardpowers is one of my favorite authors. his pulitzer-prize winning novel #theoverstory was a formative text for me, one that has informed so much of my work with @atmos. we were already working on volume 06: beyond when i saw that his next book was about an astrobiologist looking for life in space as well as the meaning of it here on earth. i knew that it would be a perfect fit for the issue. i read it in two days and i was right. the stars aligned and we were able to have a conversation about it, one that left me with a single word: #bewilderment. link is in outer space which is to say my bio ✨ special thanks to @michael.hauptman for the out-of-this-world photos and for the amazing team that brought this issue to life: @jakesarge @ranatoofanian @lolabe @anthonybones_ @tessaforrest @yessfun @mgregory7 @michellegolden. more to come 🪐

    Everything Is Connected and Kinship