Mike Wiendels
Mike Wiendels
As the French film director Robert Bresson once said, “Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.”21 If you don’t try something, it will assuredly never exist. Not your version, anyway. True, not all endeavors will be successful, but even our so-called failures can be valuable teachers.
I’ve finally realized why I’ve never been a fan of focusing just on productivity without focusing on other things as well.
Productivity is a natural outcome that happens when you have a deep purpose. When you have a deep purpose, you naturally come up with clear priorities to work on.
When you have a deep purpose and clear priorities, you become pr
... See moreToolkit to activate excitement:
Act on your highest excitement
Whatever options are available to you at any given moment, choose the option that contains more excitement than the other (even if the excitement is just a little bit more)
To the best of your ability
Act on it to the best of your ability, taking it as far as you can until you can take it
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