Thought provoking
"Your calendar is the most honest autobiography you'll ever write.
It doesn't matter what you say your priorities are; your calendar reveals the truth. Each block is a decision about what matters, stripped of pretense and rationalization.
Your calendar isn't just recording your time—it's exposing your lies."
via @farnamstreet
I sense there is a shift happening where people are realizing that they are channeling an ambitious impulse - the desire to grow and evolve - into dumb goals. Rejecting legible ambitious might be the most ambitious thing you can do.... See more
A shift from legible ambition (my parents can easily brag about me) to illegible ambition (no one, including me know
Paul Millerd • Losing Yourself, Ambition, Writing, 40k Books, Surrender | #247
big secret to happiness is just liking stuff. finding more stuff to like. finding ways to like stuff you didn’t before. recognizing what it feels like to like something and doubling down on that. what feels frivolous is actually the whole ballgame
If we don't learn to mythologize our lives, inevitably we will pathologize them.
Richard Rohr
Everything that turned out well in my life followed the same design process
Henrik Karlssonopen.substack.comSomething Charlie Chaplin said: "Over the years I have discovered that ideas come through an intense desire for them; continually desiring, the mind becomes a watch-tower on the look-out for incidents that may excite the imagination - music, a sunset, may give image to an idea.
I would say, pick a subject that will stimulate you, elaborate it and in
... See moreA large percentage of people’s problems in work, love and life are due to some combination of vagueness and passivity. You don’t know what you want to spend your time on; you don’t know what kind of person you really get along with; you don’t know what kind of clothing looks good to you; you don’t know what you value in a city; you don’t know how t... See more