Mickey Patel


  • from Atmamun by Kapil Gupta

    the truth

  • from Letters From a Stoic by Seneca

    make art not content

  • from How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion by Derek Sivers

    make art not content and playing in decades

  • from 3-2-1: On Self-Worth, How to Have Style, and How to Build a Great Career by James Clear

    there is no how

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    the many shades of creativity

  • from 3-2-1: On the Cost of Success, the Secret of Creative Work, and the Power of Walking by James Clear

    read this when the mind is loud and the creative practice

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    the many shades of creativity

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from There Is No HOW by Kapil Gupta

    make art not content and