Mary Martin


Mary Martin


awareness, imagination, futures thinking, and hope.

RP Roberts An fMRI investigation of the relationship between future imagination and cognitive flexibility

The best podcasts to fall asleep to
Thumbnail of The best podcasts to fall asleep to

sleep and

Memory Can be Enhanced, Manipulated, and Edited. Will the Future of Memory be Ethical?

Thumbnail of Memory Can be Enhanced, Manipulated, and Edited. Will the Future of Memory be Ethical?

memory construction and conferencing

Longevity: 8 habits can add 24 years to lifespan, new study finds

Thumbnail of Longevity: 8 habits can add 24 years to lifespan, new study finds

Longevity & Antiaging

Erica Berry ‘Playing animal’ reflects back our yearnings and repulsions | Aeon Essays

Connection and

Mike Lacher Client Feedback on the Creation of the Earth

earth day and

Rebecca Solnit In the Shadow of Silicon Valley

Jeremy Bentham on the suffering of non-human animals

The Edge of Sentience, with Jonathan Birch - Stuff To Blow Your Mind
Thumbnail of The Edge of Sentience, with Jonathan Birch - Stuff To Blow Your Mind

sentience and

Pablo Fernandez Velasco How ‘feelings about thinking’ help us navigate our world | Psyche Ideas