María Albert


  • from Radical Curiosity: Questioning Commonly Held Beliefs to Imagine Flourishing Futures by Seth Goldenberg

    Sistema de inspiración

  • Preview of 1004x576-jpg

    Mindsets Cultura Social

  • Thought provoking

  • Thought provoking

  • The AI We Need VS. The AI We Want — punksandpinstripes.com - A Private Network for Business Punks

    Thumbnail of The AI We Need VS. The AI We Want — punksandpinstripes.com - A Private Network for Business Punks

    Thought provoking

  • Islands of Coherence - Future Observatory Journal

    Thumbnail of Islands of Coherence - Future Observatory Journal

    Sistema de inspiración

  • Rachel Roberts Mattox on Substack

    by Rachel Roberts Mattox

    Thumbnail of Rachel Roberts Mattox on Substack

    Thought provoking

  • Preview of 3962x2382-png


  • thoughts and Thought provoking