Lillian Sheng


  • The Neuroscience of Achieving Your Goals

    by every.to

    15 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Neuroscience of Achieving Your Goals

    Neuroscience and Personal Development

  • from 🕖Waitlists by Ali Abouelatta

  • from 🕖Waitlists by Ali Abouelatta

  • from Snappr: Building API-First, Last by Packy McCormick

  • from Internet and the murmurs of post-modernity in China by Lillian Li

  • from 🥕 Key Learnings From our Webinar on Grocery by Alexandre Dewez

  • from The Boneyard Principle: Why the Next Big Thing Will Emerge From a Failed Idea by Every

  • from 🍻 Toast - The Ultimate Vertical SaaS For Restaurants by Alexandre Dewez

  • from The Standards Innovation Paradox by Michael Mignano