Laura Pike Seeley


  • from Why do Americans always think crime is going up? by Abdallah Fayyad


  • from First We Shape Our Social Graph; Then It Shapes Us by Henrik Karlsson

    to communicate well and Cognitive & Behavioral Science

  • from First We Shape Our Social Graph; Then It Shapes Us by Henrik Karlsson

    Identity and Knowledge Management

  • from First We Shape Our Social Graph; Then It Shapes Us by Henrik Karlsson

    culture and Relationships

  • from Annihilation | The Point Magazine

    Parenting and family stuff

  • from Karl Ove Knausgaard on the Genius of Ingmar Bergman

    The Process and Creativity

  • from Would you let AI rep you in a meeting?

    Artificial Intelligence

  • As workers increasingly use gen AI to tackle more repetitive tasks, the human-centric skills of critical thinking and decision making will become ever more important.

from The human side of generative AI: Creating a path to productivity by Aaron De Smet

Artificial Intelligence and Future of Work

  • from Philosopher Nick Bostrom's predictions on life in an AI utopia by Jonny Thomson

    Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy