Daniel Wentsch
Freelance designer and web dev from Freiburg, Germany.
Daniel Wentsch
Freelance designer and web dev from Freiburg, Germany.
What is the objective of the design?We want to understand what we’re analyzing the design against so that we can focus our attention on things that are pertinent to the conversation and the improvement and success of the design. Try to identify the objectives that the designer was aiming to accomplish through the choices she made. What are the obje
... See moreDescribe both sides of the problem: the business and user problem, using the same sequence your client uses.
One of the most important things to learn is how to separate awareness from thinking, and then we can see that thoughts and emotions are not the center of who we are. We then discover that awareness is the source of mind that brings the peace that passes understanding. One student said, “This is what it feels like to be open-minded.” It is our natu
... See morePain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Agree and now
Much of the feedback will be simple changes that the team understands, agrees with, and can be done relatively soon. They go into your to-do list to implement quickly.
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. -Edward Abbey
Are those elements effective in achieving the objective?Now that we are thinking about specific objectives and the aspects of the design related to them, it’s time to ask whether we think those choices will work to achieve the objective. This is the crux of critical thinking.Why or why not?Finally, we need to think about the result that we think th
... See moreThere is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
– Leonard Coen
We can’t break free of the circle of authority. Of course, I’m not denying that it’s possible to do truly original research—where you become the new authority—but that is not what we’re talking about here. Doing one’s own research almost never entails running the relevant experiments in virology oneself, or searching the Soviet archives oneself, or
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