Keely Adler


brand strategist by trade; time-traveling futurist at heart. core team @ RADAR. find me most places @keels223.

  • The Fire Inside

    157 cards · by Sara Campbell

  • the future might be good

    1 card · by Alex Dobrenko

  • Economics of Human Energy

    43 cards · by Leo Guinan

  • Engineering Generosity

    29 cards · by Leo Guinan

  • L

    Leo Guinan


  • Abundant Systems

    38 cards · by Leo Guinan

  • writing prompts

    5 cards · by Alex Dobrenko

  • feelings run the world

    7 cards · by Natalie Audelo

  • chaos muppets and the order they crave

    2 cards · by Alex Dobrenko

  • RADAR and the future and more probably

    4 cards · by Alex Dobrenko