Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
The cost of stepping into his bigness was high, but the price for his remaining small was intolerable.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Like an ecosystem, yin considers all components essential. Ideas that emerge from this level of imagination serve more than the individual cause—they serve the great togetherness unto which we are all responsible.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
by living life in their own way, the black sheep is often responsible for bringing the family to consciousness.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
paralytic energy that dismisses your creativity and demands your silence. She feeds on your shame and powerlessness
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
The practice above all practices is to relinquish the immature desire to be taken care of in false belonging and to parent our own originality. Again and again, our dreams demand leadership from us, calling our life’s vision forward into the world, step by tenderbrave step.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
unresolved traumas of our own lives and those of our ancestral lines.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
The Death Mother is a term for this energy or archetype that resents, abandons, and even wants to destroy her child.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Sometimes, it is the eclipsing nature of another’s personality in whose shadow you lived.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Alice Walker wrote, “HELPED are those who love others unsplit off from their faults; to them will be given clarity of vision.” This language has such an impact on me because it suggests that faults, aberrations or oddities in our personality are part of our intactness, and that splitting them off is a disservice to others and to ourselves.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
only when one is willing to make a few mistakes can something beautiful be discovered.