Saved by Keely Adler and
Navigating the Mysteries
Don’t brush your tastes away. Take your delight seriously. You could reach out towards historical figures, cloud formations, and badger tracks in the snow. Claim them as familial instructors. They have a kind of warmth attached. These are useful, odd ideas. Uncertainty requires such expansiveness, requires some flex, some curiosity.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
Reaching out to nature and history: The notion of community is a breathless affair when we imagine it as solely human.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
Really good gossip across species becomes a story and eventually a myth. So what are the stories that will come from the mysteries of our present moment?
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
This is absolutely the best position to navigate the mysteries from. Over time one mystery reveals itself, and then delightfully another opens.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
It doesn’t feel safe, but it feels pregnant with possibility. And, like every human before me, I’m going to have to make my peace with that arrangement. To repeat, it was always like this.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
The useful is the invitation to depth that myth always offers. Because if there’s uncertainty, then we are no longer sure quite what’s the right way to behave. And there’s potential in that, an openness to new forms.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
Move from seeing to beholding: To see a situation is to catch the facts of the matter. To behold it is to witness the story. If you dwell entirely with statistics and data, you will be a burnt match within months. Move from just seeing the world to beholding the world. Seeing is assessment and analysis; beholding is wonder and curiosity. It’s not t... See more
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
but—maybe there’s useful and un-useful uncertainty.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
So as I approach the mystery of telling these stories again, the uncertainty of working into my mythmaking, I wonder if we could do something similar with our own narratives. What are we bored by, what needs to stay buried? What deserves to be re-imagined, re-seeded, re-beheld? That’s where the joyful work is. I’m handing you a spade.
Emergence Magazine • Navigating the Mysteries
mythic intelligence suggests we have to negotiate such terrain for a story of worth to surround us.