Johann Van Tonder


20 years in ecommerce, now CEO of a CRO agency. Probably doing analysis in R or building stuff with AI. Or walking on the beach. Yeah, probably that.

  • from #599: New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert | The Tim Ferriss Show • Podcast Notes by Tim Ferriss

    Mental Health

  • Writing

  • from The End of the MrBeast Era by Patricia Hernandez


  • from Which AI should I use? Superpowers and the State of Play by Ethan Mollick

    Generative AI

  • Artificial Intelligence and

  • business writing and Writing

  • Quotes and Generative AI

  • from Be Too Busy to ‘Do Coffee’ by Naval Ravikant

    Slow Productivity

  • Quotes and