Cofounder of Anode Labs. Bringing energy independence to every home.
Using the proposed approach, nine different-by-design value capturing mechanisms were identified: value transfer*(1), work “staking” token(2), protocol consensus token(3), dividend(4), backing by another asset(s)(5), discount token(6), internal product governance(7), meta-governance(8)**, and hedonic value(9)
Importantly, autonomous transport should save consumers both time and costs. The average car owner in the US spends more than 420 hours per year driving—more than 10 work weeks.
In other words, crypto's use case is the one that it claims: decentralization. It's use case is to cut out middlemen, break up monopolies, and fight aggregators. It's certainly not the case that crypto is entirely useless.It may still be the case that crypto is "more bad than good", but the claim "after 13 years, there are still no use cases for cr... See more
Financial assets are promises to trade certain things in the future, if certain events happen in the world. The financial system is the market for promises.
Based on actual quotes and comments from VCs and folks in the industry. Hindsight is 20/20 but if you’re an entrepreneur getting a lot of nos, you’re in good company.
Our multi-year research effort into Tesla’s manufacturing capabilities andsupply chain integrations suggest that Tesla is more than 6 years ahead of anycompetitor. This lead is expanding.
Autonomous electric ride-hail vehicles should benefit from much higher utilization rates than human-driven cars, not to mention lower labor and insurance costs. ARK estimates that, at scale, an autonomous electric taxi platform could price rides profitably at $0.25 per mile. As a result, autonomous rides could cost less than personal car transporta... See more