Networks can produce value in different, sometimes completely bizarre, and inconspicuous ways. The efficiency of value production in networks could greatly outperform traditional organizations due to network effects, low operation costs, resource pooling, and trustless automation.
Using the proposed approach, nine different-by-design value capturing mechanisms were identified: value transfer*(1), work “staking” token(2), protocol consensus token(3), dividend(4), backing by another asset(s)(5), discount token(6), internal product governance(7), meta-governance(8)**, and hedonic value(9)
Applying the idea of decomposition to understanding token design and value created on top of it leads us to two entities: Value Capturing Mechanism (VCM) and Value Creation Pattern (VCP). The Mechanisms (VCMs) explain how value is created and how the token accrues value (describes origins of value capturing), while the Patterns (VCPs) describe how ... See more