Indy Neogy


Coach & Consultant on Thinking. Former Futurist. Personal Coaching @ http://indy.london ; Business Coaching and Human-AI consulting @ http://enoptron.com
  • On Attention and the Internet

    33 cards · by Sriya Sridhar

  • L

    Laura Pike Seeley


  • Thought provoking

    6 cards · by Dizzee

  • 30 on 30

    24 cards · by Eli

  • future mapping

    113 cards · by Keely Adler

  • machines won’t replace us

    10 cards · by sari

  • The Future of Generalist Work

    60 cards · by Britt Gage

  • Beautifully Biased Brains

    13 cards · by Charlie Gedeon and

  • Thinking About Thinking

    36 cards · by Indy Neogy and

  • unplugging

    7 cards · by andrea and