Indy Neogy


Coach & Consultant on Thinking. Former Futurist. Personal Coaching @ http://indy.london ; Business Coaching and Human-AI consulting @ http://enoptron.com
  • from Karl Ove Knausgaard on the Genius of Ingmar Bergman


  • from Audience and Wealth, Part II by Mario Gabriele


  • from Tweet by Steve Schlafman


  • from Complex problems and the rush to judgement by Tom Stafford

    Thinking About Thinking

  • from carry yourself lightly by Nix 🕊

    Thinking About Thinking

  • from Ideas That Changed My Life by Morgan Housel

    Thinking About Thinking

  • from What Monks Can Teach Us About Paying Attention by Casey Cep

    Thinking About Thinking and Tools For Thought

  • from Your Project Management Software Can't Save You by Matt Alston

    Future of Knowledge Work

  • from Your Project Management Software Can't Save You by Matt Alston

    Future of Knowledge Work