Writing, Crafting, and Collaborating
The field of PKM emerged in the 1990s to help university students handle the huge volume of information they suddenly had access to through Internet-connected libraries. It is the individual counterpart to Knowledge Management, which studies how companies and other organizations make use of their knowledge.
Tiago Forte • Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organise Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential
The Digital Farmer:
I am a digital farmer.
My job is cultivating the digital field, spreading words, tilling the paragraph soil, and sharing the good crops.
When it comes to AI, we need to aim higher than the question: “What if you could press a button to generate an essay?” AI can produce infinite amounts of content; quantity is its game. Quality, intention, taste, originality, vision—that’s where we come in.
Sari Azout • The End of Productivity
I'm considering creating a YouTube series featuring talking head videos where I address Jay, Sam's child. In these videos, I aim to provide Jay with insights into life as it is, discussing various topics he should think about and offering some hot takes. By talking directly to Jay, I hope to create a personalized vibe, similar to tuning into a frie... See more
In a world where we can outsource productivity to technology, the people who reap the biggest rewards aren’t those who work the fastest.
They’re the people who make things that are wonderful, original, weird, emotionally resonant, and authentic.
They’re the people who make things that are wonderful, original, weird, emotionally resonant, and authentic.
Sari Azout • The End of Productivity
I have found that writing on a computer fragments my thinking. When I write by hand or by typewriter, I have to plan out the whole sentence or paragraph before I start writing it, because if I write myself into a corner I cannot so easily erase, modify, or cut and paste.
Charles Eisenstein • Machines Will Not Replace Us
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