“The best way to think is to write.”
Brain Food: Happy Accidents
"Finding your way in life is like unlocking the combination of a safe. You have to go forwards and backwards. Life is not a direct march from A to B. The twists and turns are progress, not regression. What feels like a setback in the moment is later revealed to have been part of the path all along. Each move was necessary to get to your end goal."
3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people
"When one worldview dominates your thinking, you'll try to explain every problem you face through that worldview. Read widely and realize there are many answers."
3-2-1: The key to great relationships, the will to achieve, and beauty as a guiding principle
Your health is the foundation upon which your success builds.
Millionaires understand that without optimal health, their achievements are meaningless.
(and YES - they invested in their health before they got successful, not after)
Invest in your health, and your success will follow. It'... See more
Millionaires understand that without optimal health, their achievements are meaningless.
- Exercise daily no matter what
- Make sleep a priority
- Eat healthy
(and YES - they invested in their health before they got successful, not after)
Invest in your health, and your success will follow. It'... See more
the millionaire’s biggest regret
Matt Gray, Founder OS
The biggest regret millionaires hold?
Sacrificing their non-negotiables for success.
Humans are 6x more loss-averse than reward-driven.
Don't only think about your goals.
Also, create "anti-goals" for what you don't want.
Sacrificing their non-negotiables for success.
Humans are 6x more loss-averse than reward-driven.
Don't only think about your goals.
Also, create "anti-goals" for what you don't want.
the millionaire’s biggest regret
Matt Gray, Founder OS
Haruki Murakami on how our challenges shape us:
"And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."
Sourc... See more
"And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."
Sourc... See more
3-2-1: The secret to creativity, how our challenges shape us, and the value of bad workouts
"The bad workouts are the most important ones. It's easy to train when you feel good, but it's crucial to show up when you don't feel like it—even if you do less than you hope.
Going to the gym for 15 minutes might not improve your performance, but it reaffirms your identity. It's not always about what happens during the workout. It's about becomin... See more
Going to the gym for 15 minutes might not improve your performance, but it reaffirms your identity. It's not always about what happens during the workout. It's about becomin... See more
3-2-1: The secret to creativity, how our challenges shape us, and the value of bad workouts
James Clear on workouts.
"Creativity is the focused combination of unlikely things. Your mind locks onto a certain element and then searches widely for something unexpected that fits with it. What can scuba diving teach you about agriculture? What can trees teach you about public speaking? There is always some connective tissue between disciplines. If you wish to be more c... See more
3-2-1: The secret to creativity, how our challenges shape us, and the value of bad workouts
James Clear on creativity.
"In many cases, what you hope to learn by reading books or listening to podcasts can only be learned by attempting what you fear. Some knowledge is only revealed through action."
3-2-1: The secret to creativity, how our challenges shape us, and the value of bad workouts
James Clear on learning by doing