What is Art?

A collection of paintings, films, photography, poems & writing [that I love]

by Benedetta · updated 25d ago

  • Los cuadros abstractos más famosos de la historia del arte

    Thumbnail of Los cuadros abstractos más famosos de la historia del arte

    Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Preview of p-c4budzxjtfw

    Hello Friends!!! In celebration of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21, I have 45 Limited Edition individualized prints available @MakerPlaceByMichaels. SOLD OUT - thanks Friends!!! And please remember, a diagnosis of Down syndrome is OK!!! My life is not perfect but it is AMAZING!!! Please share this post if there is someone who needs to hear this message. Thanks Friends!!! . . . . . #InspireMyInsta #ShareMyStory #HappyArt #DownSyndromeAwareness #TheLuckyFew #HappinessIsDownSyndrome #DownSyndromeIsBeautiful #Trisomy21 #T21 #SindromeDeDown #DownSyndromeAdvocate #DisabilityAdvocate #DSDN #NotBroken #WorldDownSyndromeDay #CharlieFrenchFineArt

    Benedetta added 6mo ago

  • Preview of dba7813c-jpeg

    Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Preview of jose-jpg

    Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Art Market Reset: Riding the Waves of Change | Artnet News

    by Katya Kazakina

    Thumbnail of Art Market Reset: Riding the Waves of Change | Artnet News

    Benedetta added 25d ago

  • Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Preview of 195914-jpg

    Benedetta added 7mo ago

  • Ideas related to this collection