what even is perfectionism??

what even is perfectionism??

boy, this single word sure does mean a lot of things to a lot of people, huh?

rob hardy

rob hardy added 1mo

mel Tweet

rob hardy added 1mo

Dr. Linda Silverman Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness

rob hardy added 1mo

Dr. Linda Silverman Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness

rob hardy added 1mo

Dr. Linda Silverman Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness

rob hardy added 1mo

rob hardy added 1mo

rob hardy added 1mo

Katherine Morgan Schafler The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control

rob hardy added 1mo

Katherine Morgan Schafler The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control

rob hardy added 1mo

Joe Hudson Tweet

rob hardy added 1mo