website concept
The WHY for my website
website concept
The WHY for my website
"Everything in life can be solved by better communication."
-Anne V. Mühlethaler
And now, perhaps for just a brief moment, there’s a chance to take back agency and go within.
The self-publishing revolution gave everyone a chance to write a blog, publish a book or record a song. A few took advantage of this to build ideas optimized to go across space or time. Most people, though, sank back into long-trained rhythms and simply bec
... See moreThe stuff you didn’t get done last week doesn’t matter.
Only what you got done does.
Remember that for next week.
Josh Spector
Optimism is a performance-enhancing drug that's both legal and free.
While experts predicted failure, Sam Walton opened discount stores in small towns. When critics said 'too risky,' FedEx launched overnight delivery.
While pessimists write reports, optimists write history.
Farnham Street
Fast gets all the attention.
Slow has all the power.
Patience is the ultimate competitive advantage.
The secret is not to chase butterflies, but to take care of the garden so they'll come to you.
We are building a platform to find and shine a light on the most interesting people and ideas on the frontiers of tennis.
First, you need to cultivate a deeper relationship with your gut. The more our world becomes measurable and quantifiable, the more we need spaces that preserve what can't be measured—the hunches we can't explain, the patterns we feel but can't prove. A jazz musician knows when to break rules in ways no theory explains. A good copywriter can feel wh
... See moreWriting forces structured thinking by:
Clarifying ambiguous thoughts
Revealing gaps in logic
Uncovering hidden assumptions
Creating permanent, transferable records