urban planning

by Sixian and · updated 1mo ago

  • Fixing retail with land value capture

    Thumbnail of Fixing retail with land value capture

    Sam Liebeskind added 1mo ago

  • from Trends to Watch Reshaping the Future of Cities and Urban Living by Andre Brumfield

    Laura Pike Seeley added 2mo ago

  • A Tree, a Roof, a Tent: Spatial Models for a New Democratic Paradigm

    Thumbnail of A Tree, a Roof, a Tent: Spatial Models for a New Democratic Paradigm

    Sam Liebeskind added 4mo ago

  • from IMAGINING 2080 by Jayne Engle

    Sam Liebeskind added 5mo ago

  • from One Mayor’s Downfall Killed the Design Project That Could’ve Changed Everything by Amanda Kolson Hurley

    Sam Liebeskind added 6mo ago

  • Cities reading list

    by Devon Zuegel

    Thumbnail of Cities reading list

    andrea added 7mo ago

  • Natalie Audelo added 10mo ago

  • The Five Senses of Gentrification

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Five Senses of Gentrification

    Laura Pike Seeley added 1y ago

  • Urban Empathy: The Next Big Shift

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Urban Empathy: The Next Big Shift

    Laura Pike Seeley added 2y ago

  • A Global Push for More ‘15-Minute Cities’

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of A Global Push for More ‘15-Minute Cities’

    Laura Pike Seeley added 2y ago