Thought provoking
“The greatest sign of an ill-regulated mind is to believe things because you wish them to be so.”
— Louis Pasteur
"More is missed by not looking than not knowing."
— Thomas McCrae, Medical School Axiom
"The chief trick to making good mistakes is not to hide them—especially not from yourself. Instead of turning away in denial when you make a mistake, you should become a connoisseur of your own mistakes, turning them over in your mind as if they were works of art, which in a way they are. The fundamental reaction to any mistake ought to be this: “W
... See more— Tolstoy
— Maya Angelou
Experience. Don’t observe.
Inhale. Don’t read.
Transfigure. Don’t shift.
Advocate. Don’t ponder.
Prove. Don’t promise.
Encourage. Don’t cut.
Imagine. Don’t worry.
Do. Don’t analyze.
Hear. Don’t listen.
Show. Don’t tell.
Give. Don’t take.
Brian Collins • 101 Design Rules
Farnum Street
1. Outthinking (a better strategy, a shortcut)
2. Pure Effort (working longer, intensity)
3. Opportunistic (positioning yourself to take advantage of change)
4. Consistency (doing average things for longer)
5. Focus (saying no to distractions)
Each of these requires a different type of hard work.
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