Thought provoking
“Istead of opting out of social media, how can we use it to connect and form relationships with figures or ideas we never before had access to?
Instead of mourning our sense of direction, how can we use our map apps to seek out tiny shops and cafes for a better sense of locality and sense of neighborhood in cities?”
I’ll try to define my rituals, which automatically means defining what’s most important from an energy perspective
If you have ideals but you don't take responsibility for making a change in the world, you are working on your self-image, not a product for other people. If all you have is pragmatism, then you have speed but not a direction and the purpose of your work will get set by default to, at best, the same conventional things that everyone else is chasing.
Is Culture Dying?
Var skitsnål och säg förlåt – mina 10 viktigaste lärdomar av att driva impact-bolag │ Impact Loop
Anders Ankarlidimpactloop.seLessons for the working life, no matter if you are a entrepreneur or not
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