on Startups

public research

by AD88 · updated 2mo ago

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-anuatluru-status-1798086895957848296

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-justanotherpm-status-1812444514998480963

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • The Rise of the Software Creator

    by Anu Atluru

    Thumbnail of The Rise of the Software Creator

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • Building the initial team for seed stage startups at andrewchen

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of    Building the initial team for seed stage startups at andrewchen

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • Why the Future of Startups are Studios

    by Greg Isenberg

    Thumbnail of Why the Future of Startups are Studios

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • AD88 added 2mo ago

  • High Resolution Fundraising

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • Multi-Hit Wonders: Embracing Apps With Short Shelf Life

    by Li Jin

    Thumbnail of Multi-Hit Wonders: Embracing Apps With Short Shelf Life

    AD88 added 2mo ago

  • AD88 added 2mo ago

  • Greg Isenberg on LinkedIn: How to build a company in 2024 (with no investors): Short form video +… | 177 comments

    by Greg Isenberg

    Thumbnail of Greg Isenberg on LinkedIn: How to build a company in 2024 (with no investors): Short form video +… | 177 comments

    AD88 added 2mo ago