Thoughts on Money
Owning your right to feel good about money can help you make it happen. This isn’t law of attraction, raising your vibrations or whatever. It doesn’t actually get you more money by any means. It’s about getting creative to use the system against itself and claim the good money vibes you have every right to experience.
Money is mostly vibes
“conventional budgeting methods rely on restriction, discipline, and perfectionism in a way that doesn’t work for people. They ignore an important truth about money: it’s meant to be spent.”
No-Buy Year? No Thanks.
Dana Miranda
Being "good with money" means you know how to USE it. Saving money is one use, but it's not the exclusive way to put your money to work for you .
Being "a good saver" DOESN'T make you good with money
Neither he nor the others feel that the hunched shoulders and housing insecurity of their youth were good for their art. The “La Bohème” portrait of impoverished painters and poets was after all a description, not a prescription. “And at least they could afford the garret,” Jacobs-Jenkins says. “In New York, forget it.”
For Playwrights, Making It to Midcareer Is a Cliffhanger
That was our first lesson. To earn money, we did some house chores that we called “job-jobs”.
You could only do the paying “job-jobs” after your regular household chores.
She continued to build on this by talking to us about our futures and encouraging us to save to meet different goals instead of spending it all.
You could only do the paying “job-jobs” after your regular household chores.
She continued to build on this by talking to us about our futures and encouraging us to save to meet different goals instead of spending it all.
Afraid To Talk To Your Kids About Money? My Mom Is Not

This is the kind of work we do as financial advisors. We help clients lean into the tension between money and meaning. It’s not about quick answers! It’s about living with the questions long enough to align their money with what truly matters.
The tension and paradox of money…
Risk isn’t a measure of negative consequences. It’s a measure of uncertainty. And the issue with minimizing risk is that while we protect our downside, we prevent ourselves from achieving any sort of meaningful upside. In this way, risk minimization isn’t an insurance policy as much as it is a collar, and the cost of protecting our downside is the ... See more