The Future
The internet has become a series of lacunas, spaces where content used to be.
s.e. smith • What happens when the internet disappears?
The ease of setting up technology and technological platforms is a major component of why so much basic research is moving out of academia. Practically anyone with a garage these days can do profound studies, relative to just 15 to 20 years ago.
Jonathan Shaw • Harvard Professors Leaving for Private Sector Research | Harvard Magazine
This is some gloomy shit!
But what if the coming revolution is a silent one that will be led by those who, in the face of this increasing activity and ear-splitting noise, choose the anti-mimetic path? Who grow quieter and more intentional?
Luke Burgis • The Case for Silence
From today’s post on Seth Godin’s blog.
Maggie articulates what I believe is the future of the web, or at least a component of what it will be.
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