Harry Dry’s Rules for Copywriting
formatting and terminology corrected by me for consistency and because I could not help myself. Originally captured from this podcast episode.
1. A great sentence is a good sentence made shorter.
2. Writing great copy begins with having something to say in the first place.
3. Copy is like food: how it looks matters.
... See moreThe frameworks that got us here, of jobs-to-be-done or product-market fit, will be insufficient going forward. For founders to have extraordinary outcomes, they will have to find alpha in markets that aren’t easily understood.
Which is to say, technology alone won’t be enough. The other essential ingredient will be taste.... See more
Evan Armstrong • Want to Build? Technical Excellence Won’t Be Enough.
Taste is insanely subjective but every now and then you align with the zeitgeist…boom.
GPT-4o knows a lot about various well known frameworks. You can include the frameworks below in your prompts. Example: “Use Porter's Five Forces Focusing on [specific industry]”
When you ask ChatGPT to act as an expert it significantly improves your outputs. Here are some expert roles to try. Just start your prompt with: “As an expert [pick a role from the list] (enter the rest of your prompt…)”
Prompt Principles
You don't know how bad most things are nor precisely how they're bad. — LessWrong
Solenoid_Entitylesswrong.comBlind spots and AI.
Old Mac Software Archive - Macintosh Repository
macintoshrepository.orgOld Mac Software who knew
State of AI and path to AGI
Ideas related to this collection