GPT-4o knows a lot about various well known frameworks.
You can include the frameworks below in your prompts.
Example: “Use Porter's Five Forces
Focusing on [specific industry]”
GPT-4o knows a lot about various well known frameworks. You can include the frameworks below in your prompts. Example: “Use Porter's Five Forces Focusing on [specific industry]”
In short, numerous generic frameworks can stimulate thinking about how BI can improve the results at your company. There are enterprise management frameworks, functional management frameworks, business process management frameworks, value chain frameworks, and so forth.
Steve Williams • The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence
Jilber Najem and added
Open AI released a great Prompt Engineering guide (link in comments).
Here is a summary of their 6 strategies for getting better results when prompting GPT-4 See more
Abhishek Sivaraman and added
Five Strategic Approaches
BCG suggests there are five strategic approaches to consider, and each is “optimal in different situations” whilst "each requires entirely different capabilities, processes, and tools.” They are:
1. The Classical Approach which is appropriate when operating in “environments with low unpredictability and low malleability”
2. T... See more
BCG suggests there are five strategic approaches to consider, and each is “optimal in different situations” whilst "each requires entirely different capabilities, processes, and tools.” They are:
1. The Classical Approach which is appropriate when operating in “environments with low unpredictability and low malleability”
2. T... See more
Critical Systems Thinking as a Strategic Approach
Indy Neogy added
Different strategic approaches for different conditions
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
amazon.comIt's messy and disorganized in reality. Frameworks promise to bring order to it in pleasing ways. They blunt the chaos and give you buckets to categorize your observations. However, if you've ever tried to apply any frameworks, you know that they're anything but simple to implement. In the business world, frameworks are used as a crutch for making ... See more
Commoncog • Reality Without Frameworks
The problem I faced was trying to determine whether I understood the landscape of business or not? I knew that learning in both chess and military campaigns was different from what I was doing in business, but how? I put a map and a picture of chess board side-by-side and started to look at them. What is it that made these maps useful?
Simon Wardley • Highlights From
cássius carvalho added
Unfortunately, every single diagram I was using to determine strategy in business lacked one or more of those basic elements.
Simon Wardley • Highlights From
cássius carvalho added