Tech makes me think

All things at the intersection of tech and anything—people, society, planet, ethics, you, and me

by Vinish Garg · updated 5mo ago

  • Product-Content-Strategy-Product-Management

    Thumbnail of Product-Content-Strategy-Product-Management

    Vinish Garg added 5mo ago

  • How GenAI got much better at medical questions - thanks to RAG

    by Tiernan Ray

    Thumbnail of How GenAI got much better at medical questions - thanks to RAG

    Vinish Garg added 6mo ago

  • Libraries as the infrastructure for content strategy in civic tech - Vinish Garg

    by Vinish Garg

    Thumbnail of Libraries as the infrastructure for content strategy in civic tech - Vinish Garg

    Vinish Garg added 5mo ago

  • Supporting content compliance using Generative AI - Story Needle

    by Michael Andrews

    Thumbnail of Supporting content compliance using Generative AI - Story Needle

    Vinish Garg added 5mo ago

  • GenAI in Teacher Education: A Technoskeptical Perspective — Civics of Technology

    Thumbnail of GenAI in Teacher Education: A Technoskeptical Perspective — Civics of Technology

    Vinish Garg added 6mo ago

  • Vinish Garg added 6mo ago

  • Even ChatGPT Says ChatGPT Is Racially Biased

    by Craig Piers

    Thumbnail of Even ChatGPT Says ChatGPT Is Racially Biased

    Vinish Garg added 6mo ago

  • Ideas related to this collection