Talent / Strengths / Skills
Sasha Chapin • Some Advice Gathered From People Smarter Than Me
people hide weaknesses
This is an example of what’s called a “divergence test” (as opposed to a test like the Raven’s, which asks you to sort through a list of possibilities and converge on the right answer). It requires you to use your imagination and take your mind in as many different directions as possible. With a divergence test, obviously there isn’t a single right
... See moreMalcolm Gladwell • Outliers
Some people are stronger at converging than diverging
You probably aren’t—and don’t want to appear in any case—perfect. As long as the quirks you display are irrelevant to the core of your reputation and why people select you—in the case of Summers, for his brilliance in the field of economics—the flaws and foibles can actually strengthen people’s commitment to you.
Jeffrey Pfeffer • Power: Why Some People Have It—and Others Don't
Accentuate certain flaws to underscore your strengths
There’s power in neurodiverse people if you can harness their strengths
People don’t rise from nothing. We do owe something to parentage and patronage. The people who stand before kings may look like they did it all by themselves. But in fact they are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and make sense of the world
... See moreMalcolm Gladwell • Outliers
When you're a great screamer
Ava • inarticulable knowledge
We often struggle to articulate what we are really good at
Embrace your weaknesses
Make your version of a copy
Jerry Seinfeld on how “the only thing in life that’s really worth having is good skill. good skill is the greatest possession.”
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