Imported tag from Readwise
Imported tag from Readwise
Internal dependence is in direct opposition to our conditioned, social needs for approval, acceptance and permission to be ourselves. From a sensory perspective, our need for outer confirmation occasionally poses as The Last Obstacle to self-empowerment. One way to bypass this obstacle and/or move it from the path before us, is to begin claiming th
... See moreMore about Uranus Opposition: Mid-life crisis unfolds in three parts: it is a 'one step forward, two steps back, three steps forward' process. As the first opposition approaches you may feel acutely disturbed. Physiologically, Kundalini energy has awakened and moved up and out of the root chakra, has rushed up through your body and has gotten stuck
... See moreThere is an overall plan of which you are not aware and to which you can only contribute by being who you are, doing your best, seeking your higher truth, and following your heart.
What is another person but a part of our soul we have yet to meet? Gaia Codex: Node 3333.451
In contrast, Tibetan Buddhism enlists the imaginal mind of its followers. It accepts the forest of images that we live in and teaches its adepts to plunge in, travel through, and eventually come out on the other side of the forest. The ultimate goal of both great paths is enlightenment by detachment from all forms, verbal or imaginal.
Allowing is the core of the expansive and empowering perspective that I am suggesting. Being ok with making changes is grounding yourself in a mental orientation and energetic pattern of inviting, receiving, and allowing. You can allow new things into your life. You can allow old things to leave your life. You can allow yourself to want something d
... See moreI suggest examining whether a spiritual (meditation) practice 1) develops your capacity for inner Stillness, 2) expands your awareness of your reality constructs, and 3) leads you into your fullest creative sovereignty. Otherwise, you might just be spending time (and money) taking on more forms and patterns of perception rather than truly liberatin
... See moreThe client's Higher Self takes her or him into the symbolic energies of various emotional themes. These energies may manifest to consciousness as a story the Higher Self creates to expose the theme that is of the greatest importance to the individual's development at that particular moment. If, for example, a person is sick with a sore throat, the
... See more“The ba is written sometimes as a winged human head, which is the older form, and sometimes as a human-faced bird. For the ka-ibis is the highest part of the body and it is in the head, and the ba is the first part of us that is conscious of leaving Earth and of being ‘winged’.
The Greek root of the word "enthusiasm" is "en" and "theos" which literally means "in God." Anything about which you feel enthused is in Spirit and automatically brings you joy. Anything that does not bring you joy is not in Spirit. Ask yourself why you're doing it, whether it's a job you hate or feeling sick
... See more