Social Graph Design

The medium is the message. This page is about how the decisions we make about social graph and network design impact behavior.

by sari and · updated 5mo ago

  • sari added 10mo ago

  • from The End of Social Media and the Rise of Recommendation Media by Michael Mignano

    sari added 1y ago

  • sari added 1y ago

  • from How to Blow Up a Timeline

    sari added 1y ago

  • How to Blow Up a Timeline

    by Eugene Wei

    8 highlights

    Thumbnail of How to Blow Up a Timeline

    sari added 1y ago

  • sari added 1y ago

  • How Online Mobs Act Like Flocks Of Birds

    by Renée DiResta

    8 highlights

    Thumbnail of How Online Mobs Act Like Flocks Of Birds

    sari added 2y ago

  • What we talk about when we talk about The Algo

    by Vicki Boykis

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of What we talk about when we talk about The Algo

    sari added 2y ago

  • james added 2y ago