# Recovery
the opposite of faith isn’t doubt. The opposite of faith is certainty.
Nadia Bolz-Weber • The opposite of faith
Why Can't I Stop Being a Dick?
open.substack.comPaths to Recovery
You get to be the person you want to be, lead the life you want to lead, when you accept what is.
T.B.D. • Into The Distance
W e, of Alcoholics Anonymous, are more than one hundred men and women who have re-covered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.
Alcoholics Anonymous • Foreword to First Edition
"True acceptance is very, very, very had; but true acceptance has been the key to my recovery, to my tranquility and happiness. I needed to accept that things, at this particular moment, are exactly as they should be—including me. I had to let go of the idea that it was up to me to traverse the chasm between what I was and what I should have been. ... See more
classic Adult Child of Alcoholics, afraid of conflict and largely focused on the need for everything to be OK
It's such a gamble when you get a face
Addiction to Excitement Inner Drug Store 101 Emotional Intoxication
socalaca.orgSobriety has been about finding my true self and identifying the false narratives, and then laughing at the ridiculous grandiosity and general overblown-ness of my fears and feelings.
False Narratives and Peanut Butter
Until I gave up my made-up construct for the life I thought I was supposed to be living, I couldn’t begin to live the life that was actually meant for me. Until I let go of everything not meant for me, what was meant for me couldn’t find me.
T.B.D. • What Is Meant for Me... - By T.B.D.
all the things I had assumed would make me happy in sobriety never panned out the way I thought they would. Many of the dreams I'd had before I got sober simply do not matter anymore. There are no more dreams big enough to replace this wild new reality. My life is much smaller than it used to be, but it's also the biggest it's ever been.